Attendance Line

We now have an Attendance Line you can call and leave a message regarding your student’s absence. Please leave your student’s name, date they are going to be absent and phone number to reach you. Attendance Line phone number: (509) 996-3334.

For early student pick-up, please continue to use the Office phone number: (509) 996-2215.

Planned Absences

There is a new Planned Absence form this year which includes a place for teacher signatures and comments, and an area for parent/guardian signature which will be considered the parent/guardian note.

You may download/print the Planned Absence Form or pick up it up in the front office. Please complete and show the form to Debbie or Jill in the front office.

This form must be returned to the office before the planned absence occurs in order for the planned absence to be excused. Planned Absence forms returned after the planned absence has occurred will not excuse those absences. They will be unexcused. Parents/guardians can make an appeal to the attendance board within 30 days of the absence.

Excused Absences

Parents may excuse their student by a note or call to the Attendance Line. Excuses must be of a reasonable nature. Reasonable excuses include:

  • Vacation/Family events with a planned absence form turned in ahead of time

  • Other planned absences with the form turned in ahead of time

  • Illness

  • Medical Appointments

  • Family Emergencies – ex. death in the family

  • Mechanical/transportation issues

  • School sponsored activities

  • Out-of-school suspensions

The reason for the absence will be coded in Skyward Family Access. It is both the student’s and the parent’s responsibility to make sure the absences are excused.